Damn the bastards who scheduled the WB Superstar and American Chopper's POW bike episode at the same time!!!
Oh - the horrible choices I have to make!!!
The means ARE the ends
Damn the bastards who scheduled the WB Superstar and American Chopper's POW bike episode at the same time!!!
(Disclaimer: This is a continuation of my uneventful holiday weekend memorium so just skip it if you're looking for anything remotely informational)
Did you know that Bush (and our REAL presidents also) pays almost nothing for all the traveling they do during campaigning? The opposing party has to pay for everything they use (or they're supposed to) but the 'President' can declare a trip Official Business and they don't pay a thing. Even if they do pay (big laugh), it's a paltry sum compared to the costs.
I've talked briefly before about my troubles with Mr. Door, my neighbor. Things have steadily degenerated and he now appears completely opposed to talking to me personally and working anything out. I realize there's always the possiblity that things could change, but he seems to *seriously* dislike me. Without going into lots of detail, suffice to say that my encounters with him have been unpleasant. Well, I've contacted my landlord (again) and he said he'd take some action(my request was to institute a 'quiet hours' policy).
Yes, the boring weekend stretches endlessly on. After a short, ill-advised nap, I am now unable to sleep. If you guessed that in order to try and induce sleep I'm subjecting myself to additional heinous low channel programming, you're right. Go directly to the Land of Endless Good Movies and informative, educational programming. So there are a couple of things I'm going to comment on in this post - commercials I happen to see and the movie The Last Samurai.
It's Memorial Day weekend, Saturday afternoon around 6:00 and I have nothing to do. That is pathetic enough but the form of entertainment available to me at the moment is the really low channel cable programming. Here's what I've seen:
yet another pop culture phenomenon I'm running behind on - The Daily Show (with Jon Stewart)
I've been thinking about it lately and I may owe an apology to people in various other parts of the country for thinking they eat like shit because they have no self control. This bad eating can lead to all kinds of healthy problems, including obesity, heart disease, diabetes. I've thought for a long time that it our eating habits are totally under our control and I still believe that but I've also realized that much of what we eat is dictated by what's available.
This is a strip from Pearls Before Swine. You can visit them at I saw this on another blog but I can't remember whose. I thought it was hilarious, specially considering I'm a conflict resolution gal...
For those who don't know, I took up bellydancing several months ago - studied initially with the fabulous, fabulous Fariba until I moved. I haven't found anyone out here yet but that may have changed tonight. I went by the bdance class at school, met the teacher & found out there was dancing at a restaurant tonight and decided to go. mstach went with me and it was great to finally see some live dancing.
I hadn't heard the hubbub about Kerry possibly postponing accepting the DNC's nomination but when I finally read the story, here's what caught my eye:
I recently mentioned I'd found a great blogger and suggested everyone visit TJ's Place (he's on the blogroll on the sidebar). Now I'd also like to suggest you visit Chez Miscarriage. Yes, I realize it sounds depressing but this blogger is an awesome writer and she's writing about some seriously personal and important things. She's an amazing writer, especially considering that she's writing about her incredible struggle with infertility.
I look at myself sometimes and realize that I can be a very serious person. I also love to have fun and laugh my ass off but much of my posting comes across as super serious, social justice & political action kind o' stuff. Well, I'm going to make an effort to lighten up a little and, to that end, I spent a couple of hours reading TJ's blog last night. Not only is he a good writer, his stories are *hilarious*!
Remember when I was talking about Googlebombs? Well, type in 'weapons of mass destruction' and you'll get this page!
I just heard about the effort of certain christian fundamentalists groups to organize in south carolina and secede from the US. Check it out at! They actually have the nerve to talk about how many people want to live in a country with a government that's friendly to them (thus implying the current gov't isn't friendly to fundamentalism)LOLOLOL
Rosemary Ruether writes for NCR online (see previous post). Here are a few of her articles I found intriguing:
I've recently discovered the National Catholic Reporter online and think they've got some good stuff going on. However, I just came across this snippet in a short piece from the editor's desk:
Okay - I am extremely aware of the potential harm this show could cause but I can't stop myself from watching the WB's Superstar USA. Yes - the humiliation possibilities are immense but it's SO FUNNY!
I love David Sirota :) Not only is he hot, he's a wonderfully witty writer and regular guest on Al Franken's show on Air America. He wrote this great piece on the two different sides of Dubya - it's on the MONEY!
For those of us who are Angel fans, here's a great site that has awesome episode recaps & stuff. I miss Angel but I'm absolutely loving that they'll all be on DVD soon! In fact, I'd say the best thing about Buffy is that Angel got his own series :)
Google-bombing...aahhhhh - how I love my Google :)
Here's a transcript from May 23 - Meet the Press. this particular show included the following people:
My friend thast has made much the same comment as this article - that we should be trying to talk to terrorists instead of talking about them and responding violently to them. I'm not sure exactly how much good this attempt is doing but it's got to be something. Obviously, American tactics are doing nothing except create more terrorists and support the terrorist belief that America is the home of satan.
I found this *really* disturbing diatribe about gay marriage on's Soapbox site.
I booked my plane tickets for my trip to NC in August. I'm going to be there for a week, will fly out of Seattle on a redeye Wednesday nite & will return the following Thursday. I'm taking the train to Seattle to fly b/c the tickets from Seattle were *much* cheaper than those from Portland.
This came from the AWADmail Issue 122:
I've found some good peace stuff online and thought I'd share:
I was cruising my newsreader (Bottom Feeder) and came across this wonderful Code Pinker's story about her time in Iraq. It's not a pretty picture but it's honest and that's what is sorely lacking in our media today.
More press coverage about the on going electric voting machine debacle.
So I was reading some other blogs and found out that not only did Rumsfeld approve a program to expand the interrogation techniques, but (surprise surprise) Bush knew about it also... The rest of the story is supposed to break on Monday.
In case you didn't notice, my blog has a nice, fresh new look :) I was getting a bit tired of the old template but put off choosing a new one b/c I knew I'd have to spend some time on a bit of recustomizing. Unfortunately, the comments feature seems to be broken but I'm hoping to get that fixed before too long. Until then, feel free to send me mail if you'd like to comment...
I've recently had the opportunity to meet a bunch of wonderful people with whom I feel I've formed a good bond. I love creating conversational space with all of them and am feeling really blessed that they're part of my life. The experience of meeting new people, especially in a bunch, and learning about them - individually & as a group - is always exciting, challenging, intimidating, scary, and beautiful.
Hey all - here's what I've put together as my curriculum. I had to create my own packet of courses b/c there's not anything like this at my school - nothing that specifically addresses Peace Education. My program director was absolutely cool & supportive - probably because I added another year (or so) onto my program. It's remotely possible I'll end up with two masters but I'm not ready to make that committment yet (if ever).
(Thanks to DG for this tidbit) I thought The Swan and the Bachelor were bad but something about this is just even more offensive...
Wow - what a powerful piece of writing. Here's an excerpt:
A good op-ed piece - well written, anti-inflammatory but effective in its delivery.
I just heard that 28 federal employees were discovered as having bogus college degrees. As if that weren't bad enough, two or three of them are in charge of nuclear safety mgmt. I couldn't find the article on this (I heard it on an Air America news flash) but I did find this instead - kind of ironic, doncha think?
For those of the Senate Armed Forces committee who forgot to bring the 'chain of command' diagram, here it is.
Just a quick post to comment on the new blogger interface. It's spiffy looking but I have to say that I kind of liked the old one. I think I can upload pictures now, so that'll be cool. I've been listening a lot to a lot of Air America radio & have just been biding my time posting about current events. Does anyone *really* want to see those videos?
If the squashing of American business & low quality goods aren't enough for you, here's another reason NOT to shop at Wal-Mart.
Well, I ran into some conflict with my new next door neighbor and, believe it or not, it didn't go so well. I've already told the silly little backstory to a couple of friends so I'm not going to tell it again but the conversation today did *not* go well. In fact, he ended up shutting the door in my face. What I really want to do right now is explain everything that happened to lead up to the door shutting and then explain some more about what I think, etc. At this point, all that stuff seems pretty pointless as he wasn't even willing to have a discussion with me.
Here in OR we vote by mail. I just got my ballot and suffered an enormous shock - I can't vote in the May presidential primaries! I can't vote for Dennis :( This is because OR has closed primaries (I think it's called closed) which means that if you're not registered Democrat, you can't vote in the Democratic primary. What a crock of shit! I remember hearing about this but I didn't realize what it meant. That sucks.
ActForChange has set up a petition you can sign & send to your representatives asking them to say NO to reinstating the draft. Here's what I sent - my comments are above the '===" in the letter:
For those of you who persist in claiming that the media is liberally biased, I say HAH! One of your own has basically proven what we've been saying all along - the large media in this country panders to the right wing contenders. If the ongoing bruhaha around Sinclair's decision to pull the Nightline tribute doesn't at least get you thinking, then your brain is a shriveled husk and you're no threat to us anyway.
For those of you who persist in claiming that the media is liberally biased, I say HAH! One of your own has basically proven what we've been saying all along - the large media in this country panders to the right wing contenders. If the ongoing bruhaha around Sinclair's decision to pull the Nightline tribute doesn't at least get you thinking, then your brain is a shriveled husk and you're no threat to us anyway.
I'm listening to Randi Rhodes talk about the prison, Abu Ghraib, and what's gone on there. I mentioned a couple of posts ago that I was shocked to see a woman grinning, standing their next to all those men. Needless to say, I'm even more flabbergasted that a woman was actually in charge of the prison - one of the most notorious prisons in the Middle East. I realize it's a bit naive and sexist to be shocked at this behavior from women but I was.
I'm a bit late out of the gate with this one but the furor surrounding the American torturers in Iraq seems not only justified but required. I was speaking with a group of classmates this past weekend & found out that the things the American soldiers did to the Iraqis are probably NOT the result of too little training but the result of the type of training our soldiers get at the School of the Americas. After seeing the pictures, it seems less and less likely that these horrendous things were perpetrated solely by soldiers with no training in torture or intimidation techniques. Untrained soldiers might have participated, but someone knew to use this type of abuse and humilitation.
Recently, I've had the opportunity to re-examine my ideas about strong women. More specifically, what traits constitute strength for a woman? For the *vast* majority of my life, here's what I've thought:
I read this and am filled with gratitue and humbleness. I don't know that I am courageous enough to do what the Emergency Peace Team is doing. I received a copy of this letter from them this morning: