
The means ARE the ends

Thursday, May 13, 2004


A good op-ed piece - well written, anti-inflammatory but effective in its delivery.

At least some people in the company have a sense of outrage at the disgraceful way their company behaved.

Wow - this looks like it's going to be pretty interesting to follow. As the article states, there are *lots* of potential issues this could raise, 1st amendment and otherwise.

What surprises me is that Gibson's company even considered doing such a film.
Here's a lame attempt to (I think) discredit the film. I haven't seen the film nor read much about it, but here's some not-so-lame commentary. Here's hoping we'll get to see the film!

Goddamnit - can the peepul wake up before yet ANOTHER election is stolen! Fucking electronic voting machines are almost entirely designed (read: programmed), manufactured, & distributed by Diebold. Diebold - owned by staunch Republican (conservative) supporters. That means that Diebold voting machines should be automatically suspect for tampering. And we're having them installed everywhere! I think California is the only state so far to even say "Well, maybe they're not the best idea." Come ON people!!! If Diebold manufactures the machines, that means THEY WRITE THE CODE THAT TELLS THE MACHINE WHAT TO DO! Maybe *someone* can follow the logic from there...

I think I blogged about this guy before but can't find the post so possibly not. What the hell are we thinking supporting (read: condoning/accepting) this type of horrendous behavior? Don't we have enough problems in this country without another fatheaded, insecure, power-hungry idiot blasting our airwaves?

I realize that this may seem like a frivolous sort of thing to put a lot of time and energy into, but wake up - the media is a HUGE part of almost every American's daily life. Whether you watch TV or not, you see newspapers, magazines, flyers, billboards, we hear radio commentary and the like. When an enormous company like Disney starts making decisions about what's appropriate or not, that should be like a 500 fire alarms going off - who are they to decide what is and is not appropriate?

My question exactly.

I had no idea about this event but now have the utmost respect and admiration for Dumisani Muleya. American journalists should take note - about the worst they risk is potential damage to their career for standing up for what they believe. This guy does it even when his life may be at risk.

This is a GREAT article that brings together & makes sense of all the screaming & shouting going on around indecency since the Jackson breast incident. It's a bit lengthy but well written & informative. Also, in relation to the previous item, Americans need to realize the impact that this mass rush toward regulation is having on our free speech rights. If they're regulating the entertainment & news media today, who the hell do you think is next? Thoughtpolice are on the way in...


Although I have little issue with the press *finally* turning on Bush, I'm a bit hesitant to support it completely. My reservations are mainly because the 'herd of sheep' mentality still remains. Are media outlets truly giving us fair and unbiased coverage or is it just now fashionable to bash Bush? The point of media is to present viewpoints and allow viewers access to as much information as possible. I'm concerned that now, even though those are viewpoints I agree with, the pendulum will swing in the opposite direction. That's no better for the American public than before.

A really good piece that asks the question: Who will be the first major newspaper to advocate a withdrawal from Iraq?

An interesting study on racism in advertising in Britain.

Although I love Air America, I am sorry for the previous listeners of WLIB in NY.

LOLOLOL! I'm not addicted, I can quit anytime I want to. So far, I've chosen not to...

This is an interesting story that seems a bit trivial but points to a deeper issue: Are Milano cookies really that good?

Speaking my peace @ 11:06 AM [link this]

Thoughts? |