
The means ARE the ends

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Some musings on weight

I was thinking about my physical being and all the issues I've had around weight my entire life and had a nifty realization around the way we lose and gain weight. It's all about the energy we attract. If what we're really made up of is just molecule vibrating at really slow rates, then thinking we have more and more of them will attract them and we'll have lots more really slow moving molecules (i.e. saddlebags) attached to us.

If you think about it, what's a calorie anyway? Just a unit measure of heat. What's heat? A byproduct give off when something moves. Okay, so that may not make a lot of sense to you but it's okay for me. Regardless of my inept descriptions, it seems that the faster you can get your molecules moving, the less slow moving ones you'll have. Thus the theory that raising your body temperature helps you lose weight. Surely, some of those slow moving mols. will speed up and just go away, thus lowering your body weight.

Another point, body weight is simply a measure of the force that the earth's gravitational field exerts on your mass. There's no meaning to it other than that. It's made up, just like the 'average' weight for your height was made up. Just like so many other measures that we take as god's truth are just made up. If something changed about the composition of the earth (and we all survived), it's possible that your weight would change because the strength of the earth's pull on your mass would have changed - who knows?

Do I have a point? Probably not. In trying to write this, I've discovered that I'm not able to write about it in a comprehensive, logical fashion. Probably need to let it stew around a bit more. I guess the point for now is - don't worry too much about the whole weight thing unless you're feeling bad or having health problems. All those measurements are so much hogwash anyway...

Speaking my peace @ 5:26 AM [link this]

Thoughts? |