
The means ARE the ends

Saturday, September 04, 2004


If you're having a cranky day, pick a card.

Cronkite weighs in on conventions

Hypocrisy, anyone?

Okay, but who actually bared the breast???

Anyone but me sick to death of the music/recording industry whining about how 'the artists' (read - industry exec wallets) are getting ripped off?

Interesting essay about online journalism & marketing.

Sure, because we're all a bunch of stupid hicks who don't know shit. Fucking media bastards.

Thanks, Big Media, for yet *another* distraction from the REAL election issues.

If all the coverage you had was limited to NBC's (like mine), you gotta wonder if you ever even saw an athlete!

Sadly enough, we're not the only country with 'illegal leaders' woes.

Speaking my peace @ 10:21 PM [link this]

Thoughts? |