
The means ARE the ends

Saturday, June 12, 2004


If you haven't heard about the Hunting of the President, check it out if there's a screening near you.

Super!! Financing for women as small business owners - how awesome!

So who's gonna rebrand South Carolina as a state worth living in?

Goddamn - how are these lying, cheating, bastards continuing to get away with their shit?

Again, the bleating herd of media sheep lead the rallying cries of "God Bless the Gipper" As I heard recently on Air America's interview with Amy Goodman of Democracy Now, the media shouldn't be a mouthpiece for whatever administration is in power - they're (unofficially) supposed to be one of the checks & balances of government.

Gee whiz - and democracy had such a STRONG foothold!

They have a point. It's not the sole responsibility of the advertiser, parents & the community are also responsible.

Speaking my peace @ 9:53 AM [link this]

Thoughts? |