
The means ARE the ends

Monday, June 07, 2004


Beautiful pictures of the Venus Transit.

Because they're not content to stick with fucking up the fossil fuels, now they're gonna fuck up our body's fuels.

To quote the website, Size Matters! Guess what else? If Measure 339 passes, fast food companies will be sitting pretty, no matter what kind of shit they stir into the french fries they're selling! Of course, the other side to the story is that it isn't the responsibility of the food producers to tell people when to stop. I agree, but if they say they're selling healthy food, it should at least be recognizable as *real* food. By the way, the article I linked is a great interview with the film's producer, Morgan Spurlock.

Oh my god! What the fuck was that doctor DOING??

This is part of our history - something we should NEVER have forgotten but obviously have. Because we would like to forget, it seems that we are doomed to keep repeating our mistakes.

I've been skeptical about the usefulness of the NYT's critique of its reporting with regards to WMD. Here's their critique of their reporting. (you'll have to login or create an account) My next question is whether or not the current criticism of their reporting will actually effect any change.

I absolutely agree. Americans don't want to feel any pain - ever, about anything. Realizing that we've allowed these kinds of atrocities is unbearable for many and I'm sure they're more than ready to never see nor hear about Abu Ghraib again. They just want it to go away. Let someone else deal with it, as long as we don't have to suffer (hah) or hear about anyone else's suffering.

Is it irony that gay marriage is being roundly condemned at the same time that corporate America is racing to cash in on the gay market?

I swear, Chuck D is one of the most creative people in America these days. People in other professions should get a clue and look at some of the stuff he's doing in hip-hop and rap.

How to walk the line between advocating sexual freedom for women and advocating against sexuality being used to portray women as nothing but brainless sluts? Here's a clip from the article:
"...In the 1980's Madonna embodied sexual empowerment and fierce independence. Newer pop stars like Cristina Aguillera and Britney Spears just seem desperate to please..."

Another scary Bush (potential)appointee waits in the wings.

So who's lobbying to help protect the SOLDIERS?

Speaking my peace @ 10:13 PM [link this]

Thoughts? |