
The means ARE the ends

Thursday, January 01, 2004

oh Yes - some new year's thoughts

Since it *is* New Year's day, I should probably put up a couple of things about the past year and the upcoming year. As for the past year, what can I say? High level recap: Bought a car, had knee surgery, graduated college, did a couple of contract jobs, broke up with a guy who was bad for me (big heartbreak anyway), had the 'finally breaking the ties" fight with my ex, took a trip to Denver and Portland, decided to go to grad school & what field I wanted to study, was accepted into my chosen school/program and, along with the rest of my family, welcomed my new niece into my life.

It looks like a lot and it sure felt like it! And that stuff doesn't even cover my personal and spiritual struggles and growth throughout the year. That progress is too difficult and a bit too personal to describe on a somewhat public blog. Needless to say, it also was a lot and felt like a lot. For the upcoming year? Check out the other post from today - that pretty much encapsulates it.

I haven't posted much political stuff here lately because it makes me too sad. I just read about Bush signing some portions of the Patriot Act II into law the day Hussein was captured (a Saturday). Of course, they snuck it in on another bill b/c the PA II is so controversial. Even though I feel so cynical, I have to believe that this can change and that we can change it. Enough political stuff for now...

btw - I REALLY am disliking my upstairs neighbor at the moment. She's been a good neighbor until the last couple of weeks. Suddenly, someone's discovered that volume knob on the stereo can turn *way* up. bummer...

Speaking my peace @ 6:50 AM [link this]

Thoughts? |