
The means ARE the ends

Friday, January 28, 2005

Not sure what to think

I read Slate's review of Hillary C's "Anniversary of Roe v Wade" speech and I'm not entirely certain how I feel about what she said. It seems to have some sticky undercurrents of religiosity was well as trying to ease off the "it's a woman's body, woman's choice" stance. I'm guessing she's trying to appeal more to the middle - to the people who don't like the idea but who are also queasy about forcing victims of rape or incest to carry unwanted pregnancies.

One of the things that bothers me about her speech is the remarks she made about abstinence and birth control. Her comment "7% of women who don't use birth control make up 53% of abortions" seems extremely misleading. How many of those are rape and incest victims? How many belong to a religion that doesn't allow birth control? How many abort for medical reasons?

And why does it suddenly become AGAIN about the woman not using birth control? Why isn't the comment something like "53% of pregnances that are aborted are the fault of men who didn't use prophylactics? And if they're going to talk about abstinence, why isn't the focus on young, teenage boys? If the FDA is reluctant to approve the Morning After pill because it doesn't want to promote promiscuity, why the fuck isn't it recalling condoms or putting age restrictions on them?

All this is just another not-so-subtle way to try and control both women's bodies and our sexuality. There are WAY better ways to avoid unwanted pregnances and unwanted children - education and family planning are at the top of the list but, OOPS, those programs aren't a priority (or even funded) anymore thanks to this administration. And how many stupid women voted these asshats back into office? Think about that if you're the one who suddenly gets pregnant and is looking for a clinic.

Speaking my peace @ 7:29 PM [link this]

Thoughts? |