
The means ARE the ends

Tuesday, February 10, 2004


I'm less and less surprised by the constant revelations about new conflicts of interest with regard to Bush & Co.

And you thought you were safe from advertising...

I'm glad to hear this. If the judge had ruled otherwise, would that set the precedent that car manufacturers, for example, would be held responsible if someone got drunk & crashed into another car?

Well thank goodness! Although I have to say, I almost feel sorry for the major networks because they're being denied what they feel is their right to exploit the death and suffering of our soldiers & the innocent civilians. I won't even compare them to buzzards b/c at least buzzards are performing a necessary service...

An interesting look at the CIA agent/blown cover leak. Was it truly ethical to write the story disclosing her identity? Here's a very short excerpt:
"...But it is also in the public interest for journalists to speak out against ethical lapses in their craft. Far from undermining the principle of confidentiality, our acknowledgment that protecting sources can be used for ill as well as for good can bolster it, reassuring a public that often wonders who is watching the watchdog. ..."

Advertising & politics

Is anybody still watching what Congress is doing?

Remember my rant about the obvious & stunning lack of ethics being displayed by Rep. Tauzin? Sign the petition to TRY and get the bastard to grow a conscience!

Speaking my peace @ 10:31 AM [link this]

Thoughts? |