
The means ARE the ends

Monday, November 17, 2003

Even more prevarication...

How much more lying, dishonesty, and duplicity will we put up with? If the White House is allowed to edit whatever the investigatory organizations see, why bother investigating? Why spend the taxpayer dollars? We're not going to get any sort of substantial truth, so why even bother? Why not just accept everything the Bushites say at face value and stop fucking pretending that we can get to the truth.

Even more depressing that not getting to the truth is this: If we get to the truth, what will happen? Nothing. Exactly what's happened so far. The list of illegal, immoral, and downright bullyish acts committed by the current gov't is extensive and isn't getting any shorter. The American people have been at least given a sentence or two on most of them. Many of them have been talked about and exclaimed over. People have acted shocked and worried. So what has happened? Nothing.

Yes - this is a cynical and bitter post and I haven't even been involved as long as many others. How do they do it? How do activists keep on moving when it just seems hopeless? Is this cynicism simply because the results of current activism don't look like I think they should look? Perhaps it's just taking longer than I think it should take. I'm certain there are good things happening somewhere - that there are bright spots - but I'm just not seeing them.

It seems as if this administration can truly do whatever it wants and not have to own up to anything. In my heart of hearts, I know that's not true but it sure feels true today...

Speaking my peace @ 6:59 AM [link this]

Thoughts? |