
The means ARE the ends

Thursday, October 02, 2003

For those of you who are disillusioned and cynical, try to get out and vote anyway!. Yes, we were basically told to shove our votes up a rat's ass and yes, I realize that it's discouraging and frustrating when we think about all the problems the current administration has ushered in but I have to believe that we can make a difference.

Check out moveon.org They've had an amazing amount of success with online activism and making our voices heard. The only way we're going to effect any change is to keep plugging away and not losing hope.

I'm taking a trip to Denver to scope out the University of Denver and then on to Portland to meet with the Portland State people. I'm looking into doing my graduate work in Conflict Resolution and both of these schools seem to have good, comprehensive programs. It's funny but I got the feeling I'd be moving and Portland/Seattle jumped to mind first. I then began to focus on Denver but Portland's creeping back to the fore.h

On a completely different note - I'm absolutely thrilled with how I look! My fitness program (which includes strength training, cardio, bellydancing, and horseback riding) is absolutely working, even if I am beginning to wear down a little :) I've dropped at least two and a half sizes (was edging back up past 16, am now down to 12 - maybe a bit less) and I've got another 8 weeks or so to go on my initial schedule. YAY ME! I've enjoyed it immensely and am really happy about my appearance.

Speaking my peace @ 7:53 AM [link this]

Thoughts? |