
The means ARE the ends

Sunday, August 01, 2004


Update (080204): I still think I'm onto something with the energetic decompression idea but I found out (from a trusted source) that I haven't been vibrating at 4 or 6 during school but have been hanging out in 2. That's fine, but I thought I'd mention it as I had previously commented differently. Probably the good feeling of health and well-being I was feeling was due to re-experiencing a higher vibration after several weeks of 2nd chakra only.

In case you're interested, yes - it was a bit disheartening to find out I've been vibrating so low when I 'thought' I was holding my energy higher. Bummer, but not a big one. I don't know that it's even possible to consistently hold your vibration higher in a information-heavy learning environment. I've asked one of my teachers and will post here when I find out.
I woke up this morning feeling wonderful - better than I've felt in a couple of months. It didn't take much time to make the connection between the end of school and my feeling of well-being. During this short time, the word decompression came to mind. Here's what Meriam-Webster has to say about decompression:

transitive senses: to release from pressure or compression
intransitive senses : to undergo release from pressure; especially : RELAX

I find it interesting that the intransitive sense is noted as especially relating to the idea of relaxation, connoting a living being. I began thinking about what happens on the energetic plane and thought I'd describe what I see as happening:

When we are in situations that require us to focus a great deal of energy mentally (as in school), I find that I contract my energy into myself and focus it fairly specifically. Although my vibration may remain high (around the 4th or 6th), it isn't expanded. Once I'm out of those situations, I literally need time to release all that focused energy and expand back out into larger space. I don't know if energy is 'heavy' but I know that I feel much lighter when my energy is expanded - more able to move and breathe freely.

It reminded me of a piece of bread that you can either leave as a piece of bread or squish into a tiny little bread-ball. They're both bread, but you can do more with the piece of bread than you can with the bread-ball. The only difference in the two is the amount of space between the bread particles but the difference in how we use and relate to them is vastly different.

I realize that analogy breaks down extremely quickly and is pretty darn silly, but it is a fun and interesting visual. The point being - I think my next opportunity with regard to school is going to involve keeping my vibration up and my energy expanded while I'm focusing my energy towards gathering information. It may also be more helpful to stay expanded, even though it may feel uncomfortable at first. If my energy is expanded and my vibration is high, then I can tap into the vast resevior of knowledge available at the 6th chakra level instead of relying solely on my 2nd level brainwork.

Speaking my peace @ 9:52 AM [link this]

Thoughts? |