
The means ARE the ends

Tuesday, January 27, 2004


Okay, I kind of liked Dennis Miller but the monkey thing is a bit weird. I'm not sure I'm on board with the whole "erase the line between news and entertainment" philosophy. Wasn't the one of the results of the embedded reporters during the war? I don't see that as a successful venture. If you begin viewing something as heinous as war as entertainment, then what can be considered news?

HOLEEE SHIT! This is exactly the kind of news reporting that people shopping in Wal Mart (one of the biggest perpetrators of labor abuses in the world) would want to see. I realize that's a bit stereotypical but Wal Mart caters to middle America and so does Fox News. So now the already uninformed or misinformed can get even more completely biased reporting while they're shopping for cheap stuff made by 8 year olds in China who get paid about .02 a week.

Wow - what a comprehensive article! I've followed the copyright issue a bit and feel that current regulations are too restrictive but don't have any idea what I can do. Professor Lessig has helped form Creative Commons - a group formed to look specifically at this problem - I'm going to keep an eye on them. I suppose many people don't care about this kind of thing because they're not really interested in reading or writing & they buy their music from Wal Mart.

Speaking my peace @ 5:34 AM [link this]

Thoughts? |