
The means ARE the ends

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Boredom abounds! I hate hate HATE working past about 4:00. I'm a waste after then anyway, even if I do come in late. This 6-7 meeting stuff can't happen again - at least I hope it can't! That's what comes from working with people who are fantically dedicated to their jobs and you're not. In fact, I have no stake in my job at all - I don't really care what I do as long as I can make the money I need to make to have what I want. Perhaps that will change after I get a job in an area I truly care about - who knows?

I'd almost prefer it this way, however. To have no emotional investment in work and be able to pour all that feeling into my outside pursuits - including volunteer work and activism. That would be great! That way I could really focus my energy on the important stuff, only directing the minimal energy necessary to work. Work shouldn't be the driving force in my life, only the force that brings me what I need to do the things I want to do!

Fitness routine is going well, I've probably lost 15-20 lbs and I feel great! Actually, I'm pissed because I may not have enough energy after this long ass day to go work out. I certainly won't be able to go riding at 8:00 tonight!

Speaking my peace @ 3:00 PM [link this]

Thoughts? |

This is hysterical - check out Karl Rove's response to the CIA leak allegations. Why doesn't it surprise me that our government would stoop to endangering the lives of its operatives in a sorry attempt at playground politics? I mean, Bush is just an overgrown, meanspirited bully anyway, why should we expect more from his cronies?

In other news, it's beautiful weather here in the southeast, i ran my heater for the first time last night. Actually, I closed all my windows for the first time in about a month - too bad but it was getting chilly! I wanted to go (finally) take my motorcyle driving test this morning but it was TOO damn cold. Besides, don't know if I want to show up at the DMV with all my fringed black leather - might be a little intimidating...gotta run, I'm actually having to try and work this week.

Speaking my peace @ 2:04 PM [link this]

Thoughts? |

Monday, September 29, 2003

headache, been with me all morning. tea didn't help and neither did sugar free hot chocolate. feeling a little flat today, not a lot of smile or energy...guess it's just a Monday! Going to get in a workout and a ride today so that'll feel good. Feels like I've been doing LOTS of running around lately without having much to show for it. Even my weekends are starting to feel really hectic.

Speaking my peace @ 9:59 AM [link this]

Thoughts? |

A couple of thoughts for the day: Interested in learning about how much our government values employees who don't toe the company line? Wonder how the administration will spin this? From washingtonpost.com via news.yahoo.com

To go back to our roots, America is a country based on thought, on ideas - not on our strength of arms or our military might. This news story from US News and World Report looks at this idea.

Speaking my peace @ 7:35 AM [link this]

Thoughts? |

Friday, September 26, 2003

So I've been using my website to publish my rants and stuff, I may just do it here and then link to it from the site - that'll be easier than trying to update the page every day. However, what am I going to do about my livejournal stuff? maybe use it for the *really* personal issues...

Speaking my peace @ 11:06 AM [link this]

Thoughts? |

Okay - this is really weird. I thought this blog would publish to moedee.blogspot.com but it doesn't. That's got only two old posts and none of the recent stuff. Of course, I do a fair amount of my online writing at livejournal but i'm too chickenshit to let anybody read that stuff!

alright, I'm a complete dork! *Just* realized that you actually have to PUBLISH your posts or they don't go the website! LOL Have done TONS of work on my website - next project is getting my blog to present itself up there. Tried once but I was (sadly) unable to make it work.

Speaking my peace @ 10:54 AM [link this]

Thoughts? |

Monday, September 08, 2003

Weekend had its highs and lows. Highs were that I got to ride Friday and Sunday and got to go to a bunch of free classes at Kelley's yoga center. Decided to take the Spiritual Belly Dancing class although it was a tough decision between that and Tai Chi! Also got to ride the motorcycle a good bit on Sunday - very nice, weather was good.

Lows - M called early Sunday morning (I don't know why) but it went extremely badly and hopefully I'll not hear from him again.

I started researching grad schools week before last and came up with 5 that offer the program(s) I'm interested in (Master's in Conflict Resolution/Peace Studies). They are: University of Denver, http://www.conflictresolution.pdx.edu/, GMU, Johns' Hopkins, and American University. I think it's down to either Portland or U of D but we'll see. I'm considering taking a trip out west later in the year but nothing definite so far.

I figure if Ditzy Genius can do it, move to a whole 'nother (far away) state and go to law school, I can do it too! It's feeling like I might be going next fall (2004) but just don't know yet...

Speaking my peace @ 9:55 AM [link this]

Thoughts? |