
The means ARE the ends

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

How cool is our government? They must be excited that we're only averaging two deaths a day in our military forces. A dear friend of mine's brother was just called to active duty. Her other brother is already active duty SF and is going to be deployed to Iraq in the upcoming months also. Although I've been against the war since before day 1, this just makes it more personal and gives me even more incentive to keep protesting.

I've already talked a lot about this conflict and how I feel but I must say it again: I wouldn't be so angry if I felt there was some JUST cause for what we did. But I don't believe there is. I believe Gore Vidal was right in Blood for Oil, the Bush-Cheney Junta. Maybe not 100%, but I believe our prime motivating factor was oil and power - not justice or human rights.

How much longer will we allow this travesty of an administration to continue jackbooting our future?

More Gore Vidal links:
PBS Documentary/Info
Democracy Now transcript

Speaking my peace @ 10:28 AM [link this]

Thoughts? |