Schedule frustrations
I'm working out my schedule for next term and it's making my eyeballs hurt at the moment. I've gotten three courses that I want, the scheduling problems are showing up with my mentor assignments. I want to mentor two sections next term but I don't know if I can. It's possible if I give up the course I wanted to continue with maybe but, as I just sent email to crey, I don't know yet.
Mentoring two sections is important b/c it means I can take three courses. Mentoring one section remits nine credits - fine if your classes are three credits each, you can take three classes. However, my classes are four credits each which means I can only take two and a one credit seminar unless I want to fork over extra dough. Mentoring two sections remits 12 credits, plus some additional stipend money.
I kinda had my heart set on doing it but now it's not looking so good :(
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