
The means ARE the ends

Sunday, April 18, 2004


For those of us who actually read 1984, this seems another step on the path to our own American Minitrue.

Kudos to Mercier but the contrast he provides is ludicrous to the point of idiocy.

Yeah! Big record companies should shut their faces - greedy RIAA bastards :P

The RIAA's weak and blabbery response.

Hysterical... My respect for Amazon sinks as I realize they're probably thinking about patenting the word Internet next...

Yet more depressing news about the state of electronic voting. How to find hope when it looks like we can get gypped anywhere in the process?

The soft money fight continues...

H.R. 3077 - a dangerous piece of legislation for institutes of higher learning? Here's a snippet from the article:

"...This proposal represents a dangerous threat to academic freedom. The advisory board could investigate scholars and area studies centers, applying whatever criteria it pleases. The criteria almost certainly would be political. The whole point of the legislation is to impose political restraints on activities of Middle East centers.

The legislation, if passed, could actually diminish our national security. No first-rank university would accept direct government intrusion into the educational process. Such institutions would likely refuse to accept Title VI funding if it were subject to political oversight. The already dangerously low number of Americans competent in Middle Eastern languages would then be further reduced..."

Not only the study of Middle Eastern languages but the Middle East in general I would guess. Hmm....I wonder if this would limit our ability to successfully interact with that part of the world?

More evidence of White House blame shifting. And over such a stupid thing.

LOL - more woes for the RIAA! Go incomprehensible studies guys!! LOLOL

Just how much more of this kind of infoganda are we going to see? BTW - I didn't create the word infoganda, I read it somewhere... A snippet from the article:
"...Ryan is just a cog, yes, but in what? Machinery made to fool the taxpayers who paid for the video, and the journalists into whose hands it was deposited...

Come on Google - as much as I love the search engine, I'm not too keen on the Gmail idea...

Go Howard!!!

How long before this type of shennanigan is being put on legislation as legal?

A good article about the ongoing copyright/intellectual property debate

Bet the RIAA would suspend their bitching about music sharing if they were called unpatriotic...

Yet another reason why people should seriously question what they watch on TV and what they hear. There are plenty of alternate news sources, you just have to take the time to check them out.

But the emperor still doesn't have on any clothes...

Speaking my peace @ 9:37 AM [link this]

Thoughts? |